
General Sherman Sequoia Redwood

Fuji NPS 160 - Tachihara 4x5 field camera w/75mm lens - 1/4 sec. exp. @ f/22
This photo was taken on an early winter afternoon at a fortuitous moment when the huge red trunk blinked into full sunlight. The tree is so large and the forest so crowded that getting a shot of the entire tree seemed all but impossible. Finally a spot for the tripod was found that isolated this marvelous subject for the very wide angle lens. The convergence of the surrounding trees was extreme, but in the end I like it for the aid it offers the eye in making sense of the enourmous scale of the tree.
The great tree is now estimated to be around 2200 years old and still "growing like a teenager". It is 275 feet tall and is 30 feet in diameter at the base. It is also said to be the largest living thing on the planet.