
The Big & Little Dippers
Kodak Pro 400 PPF - 6 x 7 cm Pentax medium format camera, 55mm lens - 2 negatives
- This photo of the Big & Little Dippers shows, enlarged in their true color, the main "naked eye" stars that make up the shape of the constellations. This is a natural photographic technique with the effect created during a single exposure of the film. These two constellations are far into the Northern sky and include Polaris, our "Pole Star".
If it is a very dark sky and you can recognize the Little Dipper. Polaris, the North star, is the "tip of the handle" of the Little Dipper. OR - if you can't find the Little Dipper, draw an imaginary line through the outer two stars of the "cup" of the Big Dipper and extend that line up away from the cup. The first bright star you will come to is the tip of the handle of the Little Dipper. This star is Polaris . . . North.